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第4回COE(自己組織系物理)ワークショップ [通算第4回]

Cosmos in Condensed Matter
日 時 2003年11月28日(金) 15時〜17時30分
場 所 早稲田大学理工学部大久保キャンパス51号館3階第二会議室 [地図]
講 師 G. Volovik 氏 ( Helsinki University of Technology, Low Temperature
Laboratory & Landau Institute)
寺崎一郎 氏 (早稲田大学理工学部)
要 旨 J.R. Klauder氏との共著作“Fundamentals of Quantum Optics”等でよく知られた、場の理論・数理物理専門の物理学者 E.C.G. Sudarshan教授と、ブラウン運動の数理・無限次元解析の分野で著名な数学者 飛田武幸教授 を講師に招き、数理物理学の話題に関するジョイントセミナーを行います。
紹介教員 前田恵一

15:00-16:00 G. Volovik
“Momentum-space topology and emergent relativity”
The phenomenon of emergent physics in the many-body systems becomes the paradigm of the modern physics, which probably can be applied to the high energy physics and cosmology too. The encouraging fact comes from universal properties of the ground state (the analog of the quantum vacuum) in the fermionic many-body systems described in terms of the momentum-space topology. In one of the two generic universality classes of fermionic quantum vacua the gauge fields, chiral fermions, Lorentz invariance, gravity, relativistic spin, and other features of the Standard Model do gradually emerge at low energy. The conditions at which the emergent laws become as accurate as in the Standard Model are still unclear, and this requires further investigation. However, some of the emerging properties of the quantum vacuum are so general that probably they do not depend on the accuracy of physical laws. This enables us to say something on the properties of the quantum vacuum of the Standard Model.
Dealing with quantum vacuum, different physical communities (the high-energy, general-relativity and condensed-matter communities) use different experience developed in working in each of those fields. The condensed-matter experience provides us with some criterion for selection of the particle physics theories and theories of gravity. In particular, it allows us to provide the plausible mechanism for the solution of the cosmological constant problems; to make the choice between different candidates for dark energy and dark matter; to make a choice between different schemes of the unification of quarks and leptons in GUT extension of the Standard Model; to give an explanation for the energy-momentum puzzle in general relativity; to find unexpected influence of the event horizon on the quantum vacuum; to discuss possible mechanisms of the baryonic asymmetry of the Universe relating them to the properties of the quantum vacuum, etc.
Some of these issues can be found in my book "The Universe in a Helium Droplet", Clarendon Press, Oxford (2003).
16:30-17:30 I. Terasaki
“Inhomegeneity in a homogeneous system: charge fluctuation in an organic salt”
In a certain class of condensed matter, different order parameters are coexisting and/or competing, and can cause intrinsic inhomenegeous state. Conductive organic salt has the transfer energy, the Coulomb repulsion, and the electron-phonon interaction of the same order, and exhibits various phases with slight parameter change. We have discovered electron inhomogeneity in the theta-(BEDT-TTF) salt, which is a perfect crystal without significant disorder.