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Dynamics of Cell Division: examining the basis
of 'dynamic order' in the mitotic spindle

     The mitotic spindle is assembled during cell division to equally partition
     one copy of DNA into each daughter cells. It has been convenient to think
     of the mitotic spindle as being similar to a muscle that can both push and
     pull. However, the mitotic spindle is a self-organizing system that
     continuously consumes and dissipates energy to maintain itself and the
     microtubules, polymers of the cytoskeletal protein tubulin that provide the
     framework for force generating mechanisms in the spindle, are highly
     dynamic. The half-life of tubulin in the spindle has been estimated to be
     ~90s and is likely to result from the superposition of dynamic instability
     of tubulin polymers and a process referred to as polewards flux, where the
     entire microtubule lattice translocates towards the spindle poles and this
     transport is tightly coupled to polymer assembly at one end and disassembly
     at the other. Real-time confocal and fluorescent speckle microscopy allow
     aspects of these cytoskeletal dynamics to be directly observed. By
     combining these microscopy-based approaches with molecule-specific
     perturbations, we are examining the contributions of individual motor
     proteins and MAPs (microtubule associated proteins) to the coordination of
     the complex transport and polymerization of tubulin to determine size,
     shape and rate of assembly of the cell division apparatus.