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     One- and two-particle microrheology in semiflexible polymer solutions

Christoph F. Schmidt
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Section of Physics of Complex Systems
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

     Microrheology uses micron sized probes to measure viscoelastic properties of
     complex fluids. There are clear advantages to the miniaturization of a rheology
     experiment: small amounts of material are necessary, spatial inhomogeneities can be
     studied and the bandwidth of the measurement can be high. We have developed a
     micorheology technique using laser interferometric tracking of the Brownian motion
     of micron-sized beads embedded in viscoelastic materials. We have studied several
     distinct systems with this technique, ranging from synthetic to biological, and from
     entangled solutions of rather flexible wormlike micelles to semiflexible fd virus
     particles and actin filaments. We have used both single-bead autocorrelation and
     dual-bead crosscorrelation methods. In the well-characterized wormlike micelle
     system, we show that (single-bead and dual-bead) micro- and macrorheology agree
     very well. In the semiflexible systems, which are a first approximation to the
     cytoskeleton of cells, we explore the rich multitude of length and time scales in the
     dynamic behavior of these networks, which are usually not accessible to